Welcome to the family

Our mission.

To transform Kaufman County for Christ by nurturing the heart, mind, and soul of the children we serve as we lead them to know they are loved and valued by God.

 Admission Process and Tuition

Please contact us at 972-932-7796 to schedule a tour and learn more about our facility. Our Parent Handbook provided below is a resource filled with information and details about life at Promiseland. Please review the handbook to learn all about our school procedures.

A non-refundable registration fee of $100 is required upon enrollment and/or to be added to our waitlist. To proceed with enrollment please complete the attached enrollment form, CACFP form (food program), and tuition form, and bring them to our front office. We will also need a current shot record for your child as well as a note from the doctor stating they have been seen and are cleared to attend Promiseland. Forms can also be emailed to us at promiseland1912@gmail.com. We would love to have you join our Promiseland family!

Promiseland accepts CCS (Child Care Services). Please inform us about your current or prospective CCS enrollment. We will gladly assist with CCS in any that we can.

Forms and Information


  • Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14

    At Promiseland Learning Center at FBC Kaufman we want each and every child to feel and know how much God loves them! We believe that God our PLC kids are fearfully and wonderfully made and we are grateful to be part of teaching them this truth!

    Their educational and spiritual foundation is our highest priority and strive to nurture their heart, mind, and soul through a quality preschool and after school program that engages them at their stage of life and leads them to know how precious and valuable they are to God.

    Additionally, our goal is for want Promiseland to be a warm, safe, and loving place for your child to enter into each day. Our teachers are committed to providing excellent care and teaching, as well as forming relationships with your child at a heart level. While we will prepare them well for the elementary school years to come, we will also point them toward Jesus and His great love for them!

    We want to partner with your family during these precious years of discovery, growth, and learning for your child. Thank you for allowing us to be part of their life!

  • We use the Pinnacle curriculum for our infant classrooms. The Pinnacle curriculum fosters development of emerging skills including language development, motor skills, and sensory experiences. Through planned activities babies will discover and experience God’s love and be encouraged toward reaching important milestones.

    Our After School Program also utilizes The Pinnacle curriculum. The grade school version of Pinnacle incorporates faith based character traits, creative arts, indoor and outdoor recreation, engaging centers, as well as academic support.

    We use ABC Jesus Loves Me for our twos, threes, and PreK classrooms. This curriculum is a comprehensive, researched-based curriculum that focuses on academics, development, and Bible learning through play. In addition we partner with Helen Edwards Early Childhood Center in order to prepare our older preschoolers for the elementary school years.

  • A strong relationship with parents is central to children thriving in our care! We encourage all of our parents to be in daily communication with our teaching staff as well as our leadership team as a way to align with developmental goals and care.

    During the year we will have special events for families so that parents have the opportunity to connect and fellowship with our PLC staff.

    Also, we want to be a resource for families who are in the throws of the toddler and preschool years. Parenting is hard work and we weren’t meant to do it alone! At PLC we will come alongside parents by offering classes that are geared toward the different stages of the preschool years.

    Through partnering with our PLC parents we can help children flourish and provide an excellent preschool experience.

  • We accept newborns who are at least 6 weeks old through children in the 5th grade.

  • Promiseland is a contracted provider with CCS (Child Care Services) through the Texas Workforce. The CCS program (also known as the subsidy or scholarship program) provides financial aid for child care to families who meet certain income requirements.

    Visit https://www.childcare.texas.gov/subsidy to learn more about enrolling in this program. Please inform Promiseland of any elements related to CCS that we may be able to assist with.

    Enrolled families must have the form 2450 on file at Promiseland in order for the CCS benefit to be applied.

  • To communicate with Promiseland parents we utilize an app called Procare. Upon enrolling at Promiseland parents receive a code through email to join the app. Through ProCare parents will receive real-time updates about their child’s day, including the classroom activities and learning as well as eating, sleeping, and diapering/potty training information.

    Additionally, parents are always welcome to call our front desk line (972-932-7796) if they want a staff member to check on their child or communicate any concerns.

    The Promiseland Learning Center Facebook Group also notifies parents about upcoming events and important information. Events are also communicated through printed handouts, which are sent home through the classrooms and/or posted in areas of our building.

    Parents will can also subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter to get an overview of activities each month.

    A school calendar and menu is also provided monthly.

    We encourage you to take advantage of these great ways to stay informed about Promiseland!

  • You are welcome to contact our school at 972-932-7796. Email stackett@fbckaumfman.org for any questions regarding enrollment.

  • Parents of infants will need to provide a daily supply of formula or breast milk, diapers, wipes, pacifiers as needed, and multiple changes of clothes for each day.

    Parents of toddlers - 2s will need to provide diapers and wipes, a nap mat and blanket for nap time, and multiple changes of clothes.

    Parents of ages 3s and up will need to provide diapers, pull ups, extra underwear, a nap mat, and multiple changes of clothes.

    Breakfast, lunch, and snack is provided through CACPF (Child and Adult Care Program). Parents are able to provide additional food items as needed.